Saturday 30 March 2013

World So Cold

World So Cold - Three Days Grace

So I've finally managed to break out of the pop music I've fallen back into a while back. Now its back to the Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin kind of angst to feed my devils. Tried Strictly Pancakes for the first time today. I don't really get the whole craze over it to be honest, its nothing too special, just popular I suppose. Turns out there's one pretty near my house so I may drop by a couple more times to try out the other food there, and their chocolate pancakes as well. I liked their scrambled eggs, nothing better in the morning than nice warmly toasted scrambled eggs, and their chicken sausages was nice as well. Don't really like their beef hash, a little too liquid for me, and their poached eggs were, well, I don't appreciate the strong vinegar taste. But we were only there for their breakfast menu, so perhaps the lunch would be better, I'll be sure to drop by during lunch time next then I suppose. One thing that I felt could be improved based on today was having homemade ice lemon tea instead of canned ones. I mean, flapjack shops are supposed to represent warmth, coziness and homeliness right? So why not complete it with homemade iced tea in a nice mug instead of handing you ice in a cup and a can of Heaven and Earth.  It'll be much nicer that way. So far I think I still prefer Batter Flufy Flaps to Strictly Pancakes because as I mentioned, cozy and warm are top priority for pancake places, it kind of represents homemade pancakes. And BFF isn't as crowded as well, and serves drinks in a nice cup/mug, food in a simple plate or basket, and overall has a nice homely simple ambience to the shop.

I'll be taking my camera out for a spin tomorrow, haven't been putting it to good use for some time, I think we'll probably head down to the west or north-west side of Singapore, the more ulu areas I would say. Or maybe Chinatown area, who knows? Initially we wanted to catch a movie, but since she's broke and I'm broke, I guess not hahah. I'm probably gonna try out what my friend does and go catch Warm Bodies by myself next week when I have the money, there's a cinema near my house anyway, so watching it wouldn't really be a problem. 

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