Monday 4 March 2013

This Word.

Went to the gym today again, today was arms day but I threw a little in for my back as well. One thing I've noticed is that I have to work on my triceps much more, I mean, for one, triceps are a bigger muscle compared to the bicep, so by building up on it essentially your entire arm will look much bigger in appearance. Not to mention since I'm upping on my chest workouts like bench presses and inclined presses, I need to strengthen my triceps to support these exercises so my form is better as well. I think I've been neglecting my triceps, not thoroughly because I still do triceps workouts but just that I need to target this muscle group more so it can really build up. I must say my stamina's improved quite a bit though. The last time I trained for sprints, it took me a few weeks to up to 16. and even so I tired out pretty fast on the third to fourth set. After some weight training, intervals of 4km and 10km runs, and just one prior sprint set, I already upped to 16. today, without even feeling much of a burn. I'd say if the gym wasn't getting so packed suddenly, I could have gone for a few more sets on that speed. I guess it must either be a better breathing technique to support my body while running, or the distance runs affected my overall stamina, but either way its good. My 4km run though needs to be improved, current timing is 20 minutes, which equals to a 2.4 timing of 12 minutes with a standard pace throughout. My aim right now would be to lower my timing down to 18 minutes, following which my overall target is 16 minutes for 4km. Gonna be tough I'd say, especially since I'm not much of a running person, but I'll work on it. So anyway what I did today was some stationary cycling (yes I have a stationary bike at home), followed by some ab work for about half an hour, that's in the morning. Afterwards I headed to the gym for arm day, and later on at night I shadow boxed for about 1 and a half hours. Trying to master the basic moves first and all the little combos but hell does it break sweat. Man does it feel good learning how to fight. Anyway just now at the gym I did some wrist work as promised yesterday to try and loosen out my wrists a bit. And now it hurts like a bitch to even move my thumb. My left hand is fine, just the right, but I'm pretty sure it'll sort itself out if I give it some time.

I read a blog run by an FTM this morning titled 'How to pass as a hot guy', and to be honest I think its pretty useful. If you look at all those other blogs out there giving tips on how to pass, they'll always give you stuff like wear looser clothes, or wear a shirt under your shirt or go for the standard haircut by going to a barber etc. I mean alright this is gonna get you to look like a guy, but not only that, its gonna make you look like the loser who has no one to sit next to at lunchtime. You know frat kid wearing a shirt with sleeves up to his elbows and pants that's halfway gonna slip off his ass? Yeah that kid. And so the nice thing I found about this blog is that it addresses issues straightforwardly to try and fix the problems rather than hide them too much, where you'll end up overdoing it. For example, he talks about the silhouette of a person when someone first has an impression of them. Its basically your body structure and shape, be it a feminine triangle, a standard guy box shape, or a masculine V shape. It talks about how the main aim should be to decrease hips and increase shoulder, and you find that this is pretty true to transform the stereotypical triangle to a V. I for one am blessed not to be thrown into the triangular extreme of the spectrum so its more of reducing the width of my hips for me, in order to emphasize shoulder breadth. My shoulders are already broader than my hips to begin with, so its just a matter of reducing the ratio between waist and hips (and reduce the waist too, show some ab definition eh?). But here I'd like to give a shoutout to other transguys out there who don't have it so lucky, I know some are born not only with a petite size, but with a notable pear-shaped figure as well, man, its gonna be tough.  Anyway, the link is here in case I wanna revisit the site when he updates it:

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