Wednesday 13 March 2013

Truths and More Truths

It doesn't get any more real than this. This is why I love everything about Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. They have a career together, they hang out together, they perform together, they help each other out with side projects, but they aren't together. She's with some other guy (no idea what his name is), and Joseph is her really good friend. To be honest I think they're sweeter together but oh well. At least they're both okay with it. I guess I relate to this gif-set in a way, at least with regards to my ex and all. Its gotten better these past months, and I'm no longer a walking corpse tainted by heartbreak leaving trails of pain wherever I go. But there are certain places I go, certain songs that I hear, certain moments that pass that will trigger my mind, telling myself "hey, I think she'll like this", or "I can imagine her singing this song", or "hey, this is a nice place I'd would've liked to bring her to, I'm sure we could enjoy this place together". And then I stop for a bit, wondering if she's enjoying the same little things that I would've wanted to share with her, walking down the dusty path with a handful of flowers and memories I could have stolen. 

If you ask me how I'm doing, I would say I'm doing just fine, I would lie and say that you're not on my mind. But I go out and I sit down at a table that's meant for two, and I finally I'm forced to face the truth. No matter what I say, I'm not over you.

Just heard that song a while back. I don't understand why my dad got mad at me for leaving the plate and drink on the table when I'm still going to drink and eat again. Okay, the drink was near the laptop, but it was capped anyway, so anyway accidental spills would've been avoided regardless. And I left the plate on the table because I was going to use it to eat soon anyways, and I don't see the point in double washing, its only gonna waste water and it boils down to the same results anyway. To be honest, I think he just didn't want to admit he was wrong so he took it out on me instead. And back to her, I'll get it, if you need it; I'll search, if you can't see it, You're thirsty, I'll be rain, You get hurt, I'll take your pain. I know, you don't believe it; But I said it, and I still mean it; When you heard, what I told you; When you get worried, I'll be your soldier. I've always said I wanted to be a soldier haven't I? An epitome of courage and strength with Semper Fidelis tattooed across my back underneath a seal of eagle wings. But I suppose before I can open sail into tempest, I have to be able to conquer storms of the mind first. Which is why I will fight for you, protect you, and be your soldier, if you're okay with that.

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