Thursday 21 March 2013


That's right, dilemma. Well, not exactly a dilemma. Just, troubles. I can't remember whether or not I have taken my daily supplements. And this has been going on for a couple of days now. It all started when I missed my supplements in the morning one day, so I took it at night before I went to sleep. And then the following day, it happened again. And the day after, too. At least I think it did. Because now even if I've taken my supplements in the morning, my brain signals me at night telling me I have not yet taken my supplements. And since I usually take twice the recommended dosage at one go, for today at least, I'm quite sure I've taken four times the recommended dosage. That's bad, I'm probably gonna turn into iron man or something.

The next thing that I'm quite annoyed and helpless about is that I've injured both of my arms due to overworking the muscles. I'm pinpointing this to probably the few times I've either dropped the weight on myself, or pounded on weights that are much more than my usual. And since I do upper body workouts for a few days in a row (leg workouts are included in some) I suppose the worn out muscles from the day before shred even worse when I use them again the following day. I think it started with arms day though, and because I've been trying out more equipment at the gym, I tend to extend my workouts beyond my usual, which can overtrain the muscles. So now, my arms are usually fine while I'm working out, but at random times when I'm resting or doing daily things, there will be this jolt of stabbing pain down the side of my arms, and sometimes it's bad enough to make me groan or gasp for air for a bit. I was supposed to rest today but I got bored while waiting for Natasha to collect her shoes so I went to gym for a bit, but I tried to do more exercises where my arms were kept more or less stationary. It just seems that now I'm almost addicted to lifting things, like when I'm bored at home I'll just go over and lift my stationary bike a couple of times, and it's just so damn hard for me to keep myself from training. I'm trying to take the next few days off though, can't afford to injure my arms further. On the bright side though, met a friend today and he told me I got bigger, so hey well at least it's noticeable.

Having a house to share between friends would be nice. A friend and I were talking about how wonderful it would be if we all happened to study abroad in the same state or country and we could all rent a house together, because considering there'd be about seven of us, the price probably won't be so bad. There was this picture I shared with her of a large swimming pool within the house, bordering on a floor to ceiling glass wall and partially glass roof over the pool. The rounded pool lights up at night, giving an all round magical ambience brining you a step closer to the edge between inside and outside. You could just imagine hanging inside the pool after a hard day at school and just stargazing and having heart to heart talks and cheery laughs. We also stumbled upon a rooftop jacuzzi where the tub sits within a garden-like area on the roof of the house. Of course this is only complemented by the surroundings of blurry city lights and an occasional passing vehicle downstairs. The garden is completely furnished with deck chairs and wooden tables, you could just imagine having a drink and tidbits there and one of your friends whistle you over to the tub, stretching out hours of work and enjoying time. That's a nice house. A beautiful view, an interlace of privacy to the outside world, and a house of friends, what more can make a home?

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