Monday 25 March 2013

Goodnight Moon

Goodnight Moon - Go Radio

I actually had no idea that this guy is from Mayday Parade, who later left because his father passed away and he couldn't join them on tour. No wonder their music style is similar, and they even sound similar, the way they sing. 

I'll be getting my second tub, and hopefully third and fourth of protein tomorrow, courtesy of Joel and his membership card. I'll probably be switching from my Pro Performance Weight Gainer 1850 to a Pro Performance Mass Gainer Complex, which would probably support muscle growth better. I realise that it would be better for me to go for a mass gainer rather than a weight gainer because there are certain products which aim to raise a person's weight, regardless of muscle development or fat retention. This is geared more towards underweight people who are seeking to gain weight, which is not what I'm looking for. I was also actually thinking of getting creatine monohydrate, which apparently helps to support muscle rebuilding, since it is an amino acid which facilitates synthesizing protein in our body cells. Their Maximuscle Cyclone also seems very popular for use in various sports, mainly because it promotes strength (similar to creatine).  I feel spoilt for choices all of a sudden.

I'll be changing my back workout as of tomorrow to target the muscles more specifically as well, especially my lats. To be honest I'm no fan of big traps cos they make you look like you don't have a neck, but I'm gonna work on those as well. But wider lats are a must, they'll help me in my pull ups and make my back ultimately broader, which will help a lot in shoulder growth. As of now, my back workout includes pull ups, lat pulldowns, seated cable row, deadlifts, reverse dumbbell flyes, and occasionally, incline Y raises. My new workout tomorrow will aim more towards the lats, so it'll be:
Pull Ups
Inclined Pull Ups
Lats Pull Downs (standard and wide grip)
Seated Cable Row
Dumbbell Pullovers
Bent over Row
Cable Pullovers

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