Friday 29 March 2013

Last To Know

Last To Know - Three Days Grace

I suppose its time to include a workout here that I can use for days that I have no access to the gym, or am in a rush. Usually I just go for sprint sets and cardio for days like these, but I'm thinking a full body strength workout would be good as well. So as usual, I head off to the men's health website to find a few useful tips. I actually managed to search up a pretty useful workout, so I'm gonna post it up here:
1. Squat to push press
    2 sets x 8 reps
2. Press-up row
    2 sets x 6 reps
3. Overhead reverse lunge
    2 sets x 6 reps each side
Probably gonna throw in some bicep curls with the press-up row as well. So I'm gonna try it out now and come back to post how it is.
Alright done. First and foremost, I'd like to say that the squat to push press, in other words thrusters, were very effective in bringing the body temperature up, its very intense, and a good sort of endurance training in order to control the movements. The push up and row was alright, as men's health had mentioned, core stability was very important to keep the rest of the body stationary while you row. Overhead reverse lunge, I don't really like or get that one because my balance is a bit off when my arms are overhead. So in addition to that, I added in straight leg deadlifts, bent over rows, and squat thrusts in sets of 12, 10, 8 and 6 after that, and needless to say, I'm pumped.

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