Tuesday 19 March 2013

Post Compliment

When you told me you were flattered, to be honest, I was utterly surprised. I didn't expect you, of all people to say that. Kinda creeped out maybe, or ever so closer to calling me a freak, but flattered, now that's a first. Sometimes I feel like I simply do not understand why girls can feel completely insecure about themselves, but then I realise, I'm like that too sometimes. It's funny how we sometimes forget that what we're usually most insecure about is what others mostly overlook, and we exaggerate it out of proportion until its noticeable by the people around us. And we do this because we need the security, yaknow? Everyone needs a random compliment sometime to save their day, and since these random compliments don't come cheap or often, it is often with heavy heart and habit that these individuals seek out a cure to their individuality freckles.

Just think about it, if you received a random compliment that could make your day, anyday, you wouldn't need to go out there and wave the flag. I'm getting pretty tired now so I'll continue this post another day, possibly tomorrow. Just a thing though. I don't know how you do it. Kiss my cheek and make butterflies spiral out of nowhere from the pit of my stomach to the tip of my spine. I just don't get it.

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