Saturday 2 February 2013

Lion Dance Prac

Today, a few friends and I decided to go back to our old school to visit our juniors during their lion dance practice. It's been ages since we last went back anyway and boy have there been a lot of changes. The toilets, which we have been complaining about for ages, have finally been renovated so now they're pretty much like small shopping centre washrooms. But then again, give it a few years and we'll see. The canteen and their stalls have been changed it looks like a primary school canteen. Anyway, even before entering the school, I already had this heavy nagging feeling that the security was gonna cause trouble for me again. And I was right. First she asked me what I was there for, so I answered truthfully, I was visiting my juniors. Then just as I showed my ID and was gonna open my mouth to ask if I had to exchange it for a pass, she snapped like a freaking crocodile with "you can't just show it to me, YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO ME!" Now look lady. Firstly, I'm an alumni of the school. I've been passing through these gates for four years of my life, what makes you think I'm gonna bomb the school down now? And now you're probably highly doubting that I was even from the school. So I'm an outsider. Guest, to be exact, that's what they call people entering the school right? Second point. Since I am a 'guest', you shouldn't expect me to know what to do or how to get a pass. You shouldn't snap at me like you're trying to get me out. Cause you know what that is? Rude. And no lady, you're not supposed to be rude to your guests. Asshole.

The whole lion dance visit was not bad I suppose, we played around a lot and relived old memories with the furry lion head and cymbals. Coach was there too, with his wife and both of them still recognised us and knew us by name, pretty impressive. So we hung out with them for a while and took photos, and turns out, they used one of our photos back then for their wedding montage aww how sweet. And they're really the best couple I've ever met. Anything but clingy, both easy to get along with, always either joking around with each other or being annoyed at the other, honestly, if you didn't know them you wouldn't think they're a couple, you'd think they're best friends or something. Now THAT's cute. Junior's performance were pretty low standard considering it's their last week to show. A lot of smoothing out to do even though their idea was pretty good. And doesn't help that they're ALL the same size too, so you can't do much stunts with that.

On the bus ride home, I kind of just sat there and thought to myself that I shouldn't get attached to anyone. It's not just an 'I don't think I can treat you as well as you deserve' thing, but also that I don't want them to be burdened by my sin, my identity. It's not their fault for loving me, but they'd have to carry that sin on their back anyway, I don't think it's right. It's my fault being born this way and I should bear the responsibility myself. My thoughts are turning a little bad though. As we were cruising down the highway, the bus swayed a little too much to the edge near the railing and I could just picture it tipping, tipping and rolling off the edge, the railing being there but there's nothing it can do to support the weight of the bus, and in those instances that I'm in freefall awaiting the impact, all the thoughts would run through my mind, things I wish I could've said, people I'd love to see before I go, everything that I'm gonna miss. And crash.

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