Tuesday 5 February 2013

Killer Workout

Frank Medrano and Antoinette Pacheco

This is beast, seriously. Major motivation right here.

Nothing can bring me down tonight, not even the person I care for happily strolling home at midnight and having to message her first and her saying she didn't forget which, I mean, if you didn't forget then you'd message right? No? ah doesn't matter right now I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY. After over 10 hours straight on the computer today binding renderings, rushing autocad details I haven't done, adjusting plans and grids and all that bullshit, I AM FINALLY DONE. And it's not just any done, I'm done with a tiring, draining semester long project! All the time spent starting with choosing our client, filtering out concepts (I hate this because my teacher is bloody dumb), sorting out structural stability, making mock-up after mock-up, sorting freaking drainage and sewer systems and site analysis and how all these tie back to your main concept, it is finally OVER. Well technically there's still critiques and other side projects but this main block over my head is done. And now all that's left is this feeling of major accomplishment that I've actually designed a livable and workable house! My first house(: and it's funny that I can't even tell this to my parents let alone anyone else because everyone thinks designing a house is easy and no one's gonna be proud of my very first little step to being an architect but right now, I don't really care, because if anyone knows all the bullshit that goes behind building a decent shelter, I do! And so does everyone else in my cohort who's probably rushing out their work right now too and I seriously feel like going around to give everyone a pat on the back for our one big little step. It's been almost a year now and I must say, I've gained a much larger outlook on how things are, they're that way for a reason and we shouldn't just take everything for granted because things will be way different if it weren't for them. Every building that I step into now isn't just a shelter from the sun or a rest provider, every building has purpose. It's almost like they're alive and trying to live their best as buildings. One down and more to go!

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