Wednesday 19 December 2012

Postcards and Protein

Kim - Eminem

Always thought this song had a lot of significance behind it, tonight is one of those nights that I feel a lot of the significance  behind the plotline of this song. But i'm not going to delve into the details of it because:

So what happened was that as I was plugging my phone in to charge after reaching home, it suddenly lighted up with a message from a name I haven't seen pop up on my phone for a very long time. My good friend of four years, that I haven't kept in contact much with ever since I went to a different school. And she said something along the lines of "Hey! Did you receive my postcard?? I went on a school trip to Aussie and it was a souvenir but I won't be seeing you this hols so I sent you the postcard instead!" and wow. I'm really touched. The two of us used to have this journal between us where we document things down like the different holidays we go for and events and stuff so  we could both read through it and leave things inside and all, and it was a really good memory book. Well, that doesn't really relate to anything right about now but I really really appreciate that she remembers our friendship even after almost a year of not talking to each other except for an occasion hello when i bump into her sometimes. It just makes me see realize how much she cherishes the friendship and  how things didn't change between us.

Another great thing that's happened is that I've finally bought weights for home use. So far its only 20kg in total which is too light for normal use, but well, its good to begin with. Some things that I'm looking to add on will be more weight plates, mats/bench, a straight/curve bar for barbells, and a pull up bar to install on my door frame so I don't have to go downstairs to the fitness station to use to bar. Another good thing would be stable rails for shrugs and dips too, I'm currently using chairs for this, and trust me, they tip over pretty easily plus they're too low for proper posture. I should probably post up my workout routine here just to keep track of how it goes over time. And additionally, I also finally bought protein powder to aid me along. I'm using GNC's 1850cal weight gainer whey protein to try for the time being. In future I may go for either the 100% or the bulking up one as well, but this is good for the time being. Having tried it, I think the taste it a little too sweet for my liking and after a while, it feels too thick to easily swallow after a workout. Second time drinking it today, I think I'm getting used to it a little and I think the taste will sort itself out after time hopefully. Not a big problem. The price itself is not bad, a tub of the whey protein, a blender, and the weights for about 120 bucks, a great deal, thanks GNC for the awesome promotion. At the moment I'm weighing in at 57.5kg, lets see how that changes over time.

One bittersweet thing that happened today was that my ex showed me a picture of her in her new cheerleader uniform. The thing is, that when I was with her, I'd always talked about how she's always the star cheerleader in her school and how I'll be the loser kid who falls hopelessly in love with her, and I'd think about how she'd look like in a cheerleader uniform, think about how it'd be to go out with her like that and have everyone being jealous of me and all. And well, I was right in a way that she looks absolutely stunning in the cheerleader uniform, though its handed down from a senior of hers, it looks as though its tailor made specially for her fitting. Its just sad how when this day actually comes, I'm not even in any position to call her my cheerleader girl anymore.

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