Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas Dinner

Today turned out to be a wonderful day. It's been a while since I've felt so excited to go out and meet my friends, and today especially so because I haven't seen these friends in a long long while. So today marks our wonderful reunion as a batch going out together just like good old times.

But first off, I went to meet a very good friend over in town for lunch. We went to Wild Honey hoping to surprise a friend of ours who was working there, but turns out, she was sick that day and didn't turn up at work. We still knew two girls there though (my friend's colleagues) so it was quite nice to sit there and enjoy the ambience and talk to them when they walked past and made funny faces at us. Had a long needed talk with my friend, sorting things out and seeing where things stand, talking about school, what happened between my ex and I that made us really break off (didn't have time to talk face to face about it before), discussed whether our waitress's name was Algenia or Nigeria or Algeria, talked about the colour of braces my friend (whose birthday i forgot yesterday /:) should get, et cetera et cetera. The dessert lunch itself was pretty good, she had brownie with ice cream while I had apple crumble with ice cream and wild mocha dolce, which is a blend of espresso, chocolate shots, honey and milk and tasted damn rich and good. After we were done, we walked around town for a bit before we both had to leave.

I went down over to Harbourfront then to meet my batchmates and man do I miss seeing them. Most of them still remained the same retarded, camwhore, easily amused people they were before, and I guess that's why I love them so much. And we haven't gotten together in ages (over a year) which makes today even more special. Initially we wanted to catch a movie, but turns out we couldn't get tickets for the 10 of us so we decided to hobo around and take photos before going for dinner. We revisited many of the places that we took photos at 5 years ago and thankfully most of them were still there including the playground and the orange bench and the many colourful figures around the area. After all of us finally arrived, we then walked down the long straight road to Sentosa for dinner. Long story short, we had a long wait till we could get a dinner spot for dinner as most places didn't accept reservations for festive seasons. We settled down at Hardrock Cafe for our long awaited dinner and really had a great time eating lots of food (the chilli crab dip was awesome with nachos) and talking with this bunch of people we already regard as family. We had a round of Truth and Truth, and after being asked, I finally came clear to them about my ex and I as they never knew about her, only suspected things were going on. Surprisingly they said I was so super sweet and they should send their future boyfriends to me for lessons, but there was one idiot who broke the joy when she suddenly asked "so are you sad?" I mean, seriously, it made me think of stuff again, and made me check my phone, which was a bad idea, as I saw that she had wifi where she is right now but we're not keeping touch. I thought it over again and well, maybe it's good we're not talking so often too. Anyway once we were done, we took a load more photos in sentosa, trying to get the nicest lightings and stuff by the sea, and for some reason I felt like some pimp because one girl had her head on my shoulder while I had my arm around another girl. Funny though. Then the whole way back to Harbourfront we were yelling and singing out songs and Christmas carols and taking photos and basically just having a great time.

Today was a day well spent. Need more days like this and I really wanna go out with them again, those idiots never change(:

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