Friday 19 August 2016


Sometimes at times you least expect it, it comes knocking at your door. Or, well, you could walk out your door and just walk right into it. Four times. It wasn't awkward in any way. If anything, I felt rather, well, shy. Is that how you feel when you can't stop wanting to look at someone but you can't seem to hold your gaze? She looked as stunning as I last remembered, she looked just like I imagined, and it was hard to pretend I wasn't floored and gaping like a fish, struggling to catch my words. There were a couple of other people there too, friends I haven't met in a while, and the things I said to them were neither witty nor well thought of at all, in the typical fashion that nervousness catches my tongue.

The last time we ran into each other was amidst a bustling arts market over in town. I was actually heading towards to food and drinks market close by but found myself walking towards the arts market instead. I remember thinking out loud that this wasn't something they had set up the last year; and thinking a little quieter that this was a place she would've enjoyed looking through. Funny how fate added up. Even funnier how I even snapped a photograph of the moon earlier that evening, privately thinking that she should be out to look at the moon in all its wispy charm that night, but not daring to drop a text in case I came across as needy. Back to the arts market. I decided to break the silence because, I had to say something to her. She broke a smile. I broke inside. You know the sound of a dry, crisp fallen leaf being crushed underfoot? Yeah, that. It felt gratifying, it felt contagious, and all in all it was a smile that I felt could've changed the world. No kidding. She was right, I do care about her, and I'm not afraid of admitting it.

God I was such a lucky man for the better part of the last two years.

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