Monday 22 August 2016

Monday night

last night had been the first night in many that I had a dream. It felt like I hadn't even fallen asleep really. Must have been in that subconscious state for hours.

I dreamt I was at this building, spherical and emerald green with grand central elevators. I was leaving. To somewhere I don't know, but I was preparing to leave. I was making an appointment to see the headmaster of that academy, and I was ushered through a massive libraric space with shelves which grazed the tall ceilings. I was made to sit in line, behind people, other people who were leaving. We were being transferred somewhere. We were leaving. The entire dream was centered around our departure, as one by one people took the elevators and disappeared forever behind the automatic doors. It felt almost clinical, too organized.

When I awoke it was a feeling I had never felt before. It had been extremely lucid, I felt unrested and weary and for some reason, unaware of my surroundings. It felt rather surreal, like I was walking out of one dream into another. In my hazed state, for a while there I thought I had died. That I was walking around in a state of limbo and if I turned around I would see my uninhabited body motionless on my bed. I needed a grasp of reality. I tried to tell someone but I think they must have thought I was mad and let it be. Eventually the buzz of work settled me down I suppose.

Not an experience I would ever want to have again.

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