Friday 12 August 2016


its been a while since I last blogged here, guess the need for it sobered up a bit since I talked to her. I guess the truth is I'm frightened. Its like walking down a street at night expecting to be jumped at any moment; I keep feeling that everything I say is too much or too close and next thing I know she's gonna shut me out once more. For a moment there I thought she wanted to talk to me, thought she wanted me there when she felt alone, but I suppose her fears get the most of her once again.

If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, then there's no point trying to be anything else.

I guess I'm not the easiest of people to be close to. Paranoid, anxious and craving company. Except the company I choose are few, those I can let my guards down around. I don't know how to tell her that its okay if she needs someone, it's okay if she needs me, that its okay to delve in things that make her feel alive and safe. Like she once said, we're still young after all.

Am I taboo?

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