Wednesday 3 August 2016

3 August

thats my problem isn't it. That I care too much. Care to the point that I'm told to, bugger off or something. Well I'm sorry I was never given that option.

Work has been stressful. Kinda hard to understand the logic behind getting some people to run their own projects and others, to simultaneously run projects and draft for others at the same time, and some expect the same results. No bro. Proud architect of 7 projects and draftsman of 20 here speaking. Task delegation is so poor. Exactly why you have some people able to concentrate and focus entirely on their projects while others, well, pretty much keep going "UGH." and sighing deeply while staring into space and well after a while laugh quietly to themselves at the mishap. Don't know what they're aiming at here, but they've definitely succeeded in making some of us completely lose care and interest about what we're supposed to do. Absolutely ridiculous.

My heart's been feeling unsettled. Feels like there's a rock lodged there or a gear or a notion of something missing, but I try not to let it bother me so.

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