Monday 18 July 2016

Tuesday Morning

I've only noticed now why that trip had meant so much to me, why it felt like the best thing that has ever happened in my life. One, I was able to, for once in my life, be completely myself, far away in a place where nobody knew me, I was able to exist peacefully as who I am. No pretence, no worries, nothing. Two, it was probably the last time that I could give all I had to give to someone I loved and cared about, and God knows how right it felt.

I lost it at the gym last night, lost my temper at myself. Went to the washroom, hit myself in the head, and just kind of sat there, clutching myself. I felt weak, I felt cheated of living truthfully, I felt like there were these heavy chains wrapped around me and everywhere I go they kept cutting in or tripping me and overall kicking me into the dirt. I felt weak. I felt really really weak.

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