Saturday 23 July 2016

Early Sunday

Yesterday I went to Gillman barracks with her, intended to check out what they called an arts and music market. Blatantly disappointing was how I could beat describe it, seemed to be chock full of hipsters too good for this world, drunk at 5pm. So we went for waffles and ice cream instead, it had been a long time since I've had waffles, and well thankfully Cremier never fails to disappoint. Nice place too, little hideout amongst the many art studios there. Art studios have a way of making my mind slip and my chest ache, there's only been one girl who had made even contemporary art feel exciting to me, and sadly well, she wasn't here.

We then decided to walk down to harbourfront, a nice long walk getting to know one another a little better, I found out how her father died and she found out about my mom's and aunts' crazy antics. It was drizzling a little, and after a while it became something I was thankful for, cooled us off till we reached Keppel. I'd never been to Keppel bay, and as it turns out, neither had she, so what the hell, we decided to go that long stretch right out to where the rich kids came to play, watching the yachts lined up there pointing out which could be mine. The condominiums there looked extravagant, something straight out of the mind of Hadid herself. Balconies were spacious and long, and many of them were decked with outdoor furniture to host the occasional twilight dinner. We walked on through the decks into what we eventually figured was the tip of Labrador park, full of joggers and the occasional cyclist, passing us by with a curt ring and whirr. Fancy names in this park, I got curious about Dragon's Teeth Gate, and found that it was a remodel of a red stone William Farquhar had once used to identify, um, I can't really remember. We decided to turn back at this point.

In retrospect, I probably should've washed my hair immediately upon getting back home, having walked in the rain pretty much the whole evening. Its nice to bond with a rather new friend, but I don't know, most times I wish I could catch up just as much with those I haven't spoken to in a long time. Or maybe just that one, I tell myself.

God I miss our conversations.

As harsh as it felt to put her friend out there in my last post, there's some things I struggle to deal with quietly and one of them is insensitivity to my weakness and to those I care about. There's just things an "oops sorry! Didn't mean to be rude" doesn't fix and I've been feeling it's effects till today. In a way I guess I could just say you're naive and young, but I sincerely hope you grow up before you ever say anything of the sort to hurt her, this time, my favourite her.

To the last her, tell me about the social casts. Tell me about your opinions. I want to listen.

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