Monday 25 July 2016

Monday Night

It's hard to show when you can't see nor say. It's hard to show someone you care. That someone out there cares for them. That it's okay to accept that care and that it's not a burden to the other. Depression has a way of making us push away the care and love we need because we feel we are undeserving. We feel that we are only pulling another down with us whenever we get the urge to reach out. I want to tell you that it is not a selfish act to accept attention and care, those who truly care will understand your temporary shortcoming and will be there while you get better. Relationships between people are never equal, never fair. There'll be days that I wake up feeling awful and only able to give my 30% but those who care will see no problem in giving me their 70%. Even if you think you've only got 10% to give, I will be the 90% if you allow me to because I know that if I was in the same position you would do the same for me. You are not selfish for wanting and needing attention and care, it only makes you human. And just because you need care doesn't mean you're any less strong or resilient or worthy. You are worth it. Everything.

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