Friday 4 January 2013

The A Team

The A Team - Ed Sheeran

It never came across to me until I read an article recently that The A Team by Ed Sheeran is about a girl on cocaine and how she's addicted to the drug. And that the reason she's said to be on the A team is because cocaine falls into a group of drugs known as Class A drugs. Which is why she's said to have skin that's 'crumbling like pastry', how she'd 'die for a couple grams' and so on. It's quite scary how sweet and simple the song seems and how it's used to cover up the story of the girl's addiction.

Watched Jack Reacher with a friend today after a long round of discussions on whether to watch that, Les Mis, or CZ12. Never ever regretted that decision, it turned out to be a really good, albeit a pretty long movie. I would say its somewhat along the lines of Taken 2 in terms of how the action rolls up right at the start of the movie, which is something I find very thrilling and appealing about recent action movies. There was a certain sense of humour in the characters of this movie too, so everyone in the theatre has a good laugh a couple of times throughout the show. Another good thing I found about this movie was that there are no romantic scenes AT ALL, which made me almost want to stand up and applaud whoever created this awesome storyline. I'd say the most romantic part must have been that a man having an affair was shot while the lady was walking towards him, right before she herself was shot. The investigative part of the movie was great yet almost unbelievable, kept leaving us thinking "how the hell did he manage to link that to that??" so yeah I know this is a pretty jumpy sort of review but I have a tendency to spoil plots if I talk to much so I'd rather hop around. It's a good worth of GV money if you ask me, which by the way didn't even give us a student discount, and the next thing in line that I'd like to watch will be Gangster Squad. At least that's what I think it's called if I recall correctly.

Anyway one thing to note today is that the guy wooing my friend actually read me as male and said kudos to me for that(: but my friend corrected him and called me her girlfriend. And now that can't get out of my head. Doesn't help that there's no one to talk to either. She can talk to me about all her problems but this is the one thing I'm afraid of talking to her about. God.

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