Monday 21 January 2013

New Gym

Guess who finally visits his old gym to find it completely renovated and refurbished! Okay well the title of this post says its all but man, I'm beyond stoked at this point. After months of waiting, the new gym (renovated old gym really) is finally FINALLY OPEN. Hell YES. This is a brand new motivation to work out like hell again given how near to my house it is and how much easier it is to use the equipment compared to the one in school (not the graduate's guild, just the pool gym), given that half of it is usually already hoarded by the dragonboat seniors.

So a few pointers about the new gym. First off, it's run by a private vendor so means that the stuff are in way better condition than a typical community centre gym, and a perk of this is that there are discounts as well. Standard price per entry will be 3.80 but because I'm a student, it's lowered down to 2.80. There's memberships too which I'm looking to join sometime soon; considering that I'll frequent the gym quite often, I don't see how this won't benefit me. So basically with every entry you get a chop on this card, and after 10 entries, you get yourself a free one, and after 12 entries, you get a free 20 bucks off the 3 month membership. Man that's a lot of numbers. Anyway, the new gym sells energy bars as well, so if you get hungry, you could just grab one (not quoting prices here, too many numbers!) and it also sells protein and whey powder at what seems to be a discounted price. Quite a few to choose from actually but I think I'll still go for the ones at GNC, they're cheaper since they're one for one. They also completely redid the floor, so the once parquet floor which was non shock absorbant at all is now replaced with rubber flooring, and they even give a thicker layer in the weights area to make it more shock absorbant and basically less noisy when people drop the weights. They added way more equipment too. They replaced the old treadmills with four new ones, put in a chin up/dips machine, a whole row of new weights (finally rubber coated weights that don't clang on the floor every single time), bench press and deadlift equipment, racks of weight plates and so on. Now THIS is my money's worth. All it needs are high class graduate's guild style bathrooms and this community centre can be a clubhouse baby!

Besides that, I finally found out that the guy that I always run into at the gym is actually a triple E lecturer at my school. No wonder I met him at the pool gym too, but man...hell will it be scary to have a damn buff, ripped dude as your lecturer. Wow. We started talking a little too, then I had to leave to head back to school to meet people but from what I gather, he's a pretty nice guy, gentle giant I would say. And tomorrow's a friend's birthday celebration! I really really hope it doesn't turn up disastrous and that people will actually turn up because this girl has been there for her friends a LOT. She really deserves a good day to herself. They're probably cutting cake in school at around three, but I don't think I'll turn up for that, maybe only dinner afterwards at five. Still can't bring myself to step into that place so I'm avoiding it and that whole damn line in fact, for now. Except if I really really have to then its fine. And Friday is another friend's birthday, god why are so many people born in January all of a sudden?? Just last week we had a classmate who got high on sheesha on her birthday and went around slut dancing on chairs in the place and kissing random strangers. Well at least it was fun. All in all, today wasn't such a bad day after all(:

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