Saturday 12 September 2015


I will never quite understand why you seem so cold and angry at me. For all your queries I have given you answers but for all my queries I have received none. It's all very confusing to me. Perhaps you're too tired by the end of the day to think about these issues, or maybe it's just that hard to come to a conclusion. I guess the most overwhelming feeling now is not of jealousy or hurt, but rather of longing and confusion because simply put, I would never know what's going on without asking a coupla times. I feel sort of left out of the loop, like a quick glance at my texts would suffice with a short, vague, half-thought-of answer to one small thing I said. Do you really want me in your life like you say you do? Cause right now I seem like more of a hassle. Please don't treat me like a fairweather friend, I'm in this for the long haul, for the better and for worse, I'm in this for you.

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