Monday 7 September 2015


Now might be a tad too late to bring this up, but I hope you really consider what I'm about to say. 

I know you're already about to start school, and I know that you're already really far away, but something I'm just as sure of is that archi is not the best choice for you. Not even close to the best. In fact, it's more of something you have to do because someone tells you to. I've seen people who've had quite a bit of interest in archi falter and decide it's not for them 3 months into working. I've seen people who are stuck doing archi because they happen to have a flair for it even though they don't enjoy it. I know you, quite well I think. I know that you don't enjoy archi, I know that criticism is not something you take very well when it comes to archi and let's face it, criticism is an integral core of this profession. I also know that you can't excel at something you have no interest in, the slightest knock will make you feel like giving up. 

Three years is as struggling through a harder version of a course that you don't like for the same time it took for you to get a diploma. And five years is almost double that time. Honestly, after all that time and hardship, do you really see yourself as a full time architect? I really wish I could have talked to you about this months ago, but only now have I really sat down to think about it. Archi is not for everyone just like how not everyone can draw or dance well. During my one year of employment, I'm really gonna sit down and think about other courses, I'm looking at event management, environmental science maybe, because we're still young, we still have time to pursue something that is actually bearable to spend the rest of your life doing.

5 years is a long time and a lot of money to be spending doing something that won't benefit you in the end. In that 5 years, you can get a diploma or a degree for something new that you enjoy more. Pamela wee, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're not an architect, you're not an egoistic person who conforms to rules that curb your creativity. You can always try a sem there to see if it's really for you, but if it's not, really don't be afraid to change course before it's too late. Really from the bottom of my heart, I urge you to reconsider.

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