Thursday 15 August 2013

Old Friends

I saw someone wrote on tumblr the other day, somewhere along the lines of "it's funny how two strangers could have been completely in love". And although it seems ridiculous on the surface, I thought to myself for a while more and it dawned on me that this was indeed possible. I remember the true quote now. It was "from friends to lovers to strangers who had been completely in love".

It is funny though, how true this is and how it's even possible. It's like trying to remember someone you've never met. And when you walk by places you used to go to with them, or do something that reminds you of them, it feels as though it was all a dream and now you've just woken up, and none of it had happened. It feels as though a year of my life had been erased from my recollections. Yeah, it's just hard to imagine that this is someone I barely know, but I also know inside out. This is someone whose body I can map out like the back of my hand, who hugged me while I cried, whom I ate takoyaki with sitting on the ground because there's always no seats, who got me completely freaked out by moving fish flakes, who told me she loved me more than her boyfriend, who put her neck under the knife with me everytime we meet up..but who is this person? I don't know her. It's just a passerby who decided to stay a little longer than usual.

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