Sunday 11 August 2013

Drizzle in the Light

About a fortnight ago I had a post loaded up in here, a draftswork that I fell asleep before completing. A fortnight ago, the draft had been happy, twisted up in the corners with a pretty bow tie. This post is not so happy.

In the draft, I talked about changes and how I've changed since the start of this year. That's fairly neutral so I suppose I'll rewrite that from memory. If anything, I grew stronger since the start of this year. Not just physically, but mentally as well. I was the boy who was clinging on so desperately to his past, comparing everything around him to what he had and never seeing anything much better. I was pathetically in love and forced out of love and full of pain and hatred. I was really selfish too. I can see that now, and I can see where I should've backed off and left that girl alone. I can see how suffocating it got to the point where she had no fight left in her when I left, she probably wanted me to leave by then too. And though the things I've been hearing about her haven't been all too pleasant, I'm at the point where I can sincerely tell her that I wish her all the best and that I hope she can stay true to herself, in the better terms of the word.

Speaking of her, there's been someone reading my blog recently and I can't quite put a finger on who, simply because only one person knows my URL and she's definitely too busy with her life to waste her time on her ex's blog. But if there's someone out there that I know, who's been reading these, please drop a note or something just so I know who you are or what you think.

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