Tuesday 13 August 2013

New Schedule

So what I've attached below here is my schedule for the upcoming week starting today. What happened was that we were suddenly informed today that competition entries for Compasso are to be test printed by 30 August, which is the same date as our DC Submissions. She and I were talking about stargazing and how she hopes the skies on Saturday will be clear as glass when suddenly the messages came in. And we both panicked. Well really, the 15 of us must've panicked upon reading the messages. So now there's this huge split in our focus up till the 30th of August where we'll be jumping from schoolwork to competition and back daily.

So as of now, school time, which is about 9-5 will be reserved strictly for Compasso, and my 7-11s will be for model making. Of course in between there'll be breaks for gym and a good two hour busride home from school to ease my mind. Other than that, it's pretty much hardcore enginework throughout the day. As of today, I'm done with my DC calculations and will only do the verging of the plans, which should be quite fast, on Saturday, after I've printed out the plans. The model, i'm done with three floors, but the internal walls aren't really there yet. But then again, that's not my priority right now, priority is to finish the top floor (many walls there) and the first floor so I get the complete set. Everything's removable so I can easily put in internal walls if I have spare material later on. Other than that, roof and landscaping shouldn't be much of a problem and can be done together with the columns.

What I'm more worried for though, is the DC plans. What I'll have to do will be:
- get a site plan
- change all names on the pledge of allegiance and title block
- do landscaping on plan (this is the real time waster)
- annotate EVERYTHING
- label everything with names and FFL, PL
Actually yeah that's about it but the landscaping is gonna take some time, figuring out where each tree goes and stuff. Thank god we don't have to include drainage at this point, but of I have the time I'll do it as well. I'm more worried about the laying out of the boards, cos it seems really strange to import so many texts and drawings into autocad. And photoshopping it out seems vaguely strange too because it'll be so difficult to update later on. But one week should be definitely enough to crank that out if mornings are crammed with it. That way, evening's can be reserved for Compasso or vice versa.

I'm in a super agent mode now, always on my feet and ready to go, even now my mind's telling me to stop wasting time and cut some boards or something, but if there's something I need to train myself to do, it'll be to practice good pacing and appreciate rest because it's an extremely important factor.

Two conversations that made my day sometime back:

M: Wow who knew I'd see you here! Getting an award right, cannot take it you too pretty today!
1: You also what wah today dress until so smart. You so handsome.

2: So if the guy act like that do you think he's interested?
M: -long explanation- yeahhh so I think he's pretty into you
2: Haish, you guys are so complicated.

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