Thursday 29 August 2013

Writings For August

"We've always talked about how one day we might bump into each other in a small book cafe, in another country. And why not, it's a small world after all."

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who's felt this way, but the self-righteous coward in me tells me it isn't true. I couldn't possibly be the only person who's ever felt a little tied back in their life. How sorrowful is it that I'm writing about a past lover after almost a year has passed? Not very actually. I'm sure we all know of a person who's fearful of meeting their ex because it would be awkward, or because ever since they broke up, their lovey dovey baby girl darling has completely transformed into a maneating monstrous bitch. To be honest, I did feel that we were heading in that direction for a while, and I was really embarassed to admit to myself that we were gonna be living proof that exes cannot be friends.

They say that you'll never forget your first love. So maybe that's the reason behind how I feel. But I also believe that there's a reason why you loved them in the first place, and as the reasons differ from person to person, often, what you love the person for becomes irreplaceable. I fell in love with the way she wrote, the twists of ink on faded pencil lines, the sincerity that warmed up those words as they passed through the depths of my mind. I fell in love with how the sentences wrapped around my thoughts and how each one was spoken as if it echoed from deep inside the chambers of myself. And I fell in love with knowing that even for the few seconds that she took to write it down, I was on her mind.

That's probably the reason why I feel that even though I'm happy where I am now looking right up at the life before me, there's a part a part of the past that I'm in love with, and this time, the part of the past doesn't interfere with my present, and it is ineffably beautiful. So perhaps one day, I will bump into her in some old book cafe in another country, and perhaps, a new friendship could be written.

Saturday 17 August 2013

That Girl

I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I think I'm done with that girl. Sure she's cute and all, but her attitude's really getting on my nerves and I don't think it's about to get any better. So to the dear waking up and falling asleep to thoughts about her, the butterflies and stutters when I run into her, and the wishing she'd open up to me more, please stop soon, you're really tricking me into falling for her.

On another note, I suppose I should thank her for allowing me to finally get over my ex girlfriend, and for teaching me the value of hard work and dedication as well as allowing me to appreciate personal space much more. I guess one day when the opportunity arises, she will know that she's meant so much to me before but that time passed in the midst of submissions and late nights. I need someone I can talk to, not someone who isn't open to communication. End of story.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Old Friends

I saw someone wrote on tumblr the other day, somewhere along the lines of "it's funny how two strangers could have been completely in love". And although it seems ridiculous on the surface, I thought to myself for a while more and it dawned on me that this was indeed possible. I remember the true quote now. It was "from friends to lovers to strangers who had been completely in love".

It is funny though, how true this is and how it's even possible. It's like trying to remember someone you've never met. And when you walk by places you used to go to with them, or do something that reminds you of them, it feels as though it was all a dream and now you've just woken up, and none of it had happened. It feels as though a year of my life had been erased from my recollections. Yeah, it's just hard to imagine that this is someone I barely know, but I also know inside out. This is someone whose body I can map out like the back of my hand, who hugged me while I cried, whom I ate takoyaki with sitting on the ground because there's always no seats, who got me completely freaked out by moving fish flakes, who told me she loved me more than her boyfriend, who put her neck under the knife with me everytime we meet up..but who is this person? I don't know her. It's just a passerby who decided to stay a little longer than usual.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

New Schedule

So what I've attached below here is my schedule for the upcoming week starting today. What happened was that we were suddenly informed today that competition entries for Compasso are to be test printed by 30 August, which is the same date as our DC Submissions. She and I were talking about stargazing and how she hopes the skies on Saturday will be clear as glass when suddenly the messages came in. And we both panicked. Well really, the 15 of us must've panicked upon reading the messages. So now there's this huge split in our focus up till the 30th of August where we'll be jumping from schoolwork to competition and back daily.

So as of now, school time, which is about 9-5 will be reserved strictly for Compasso, and my 7-11s will be for model making. Of course in between there'll be breaks for gym and a good two hour busride home from school to ease my mind. Other than that, it's pretty much hardcore enginework throughout the day. As of today, I'm done with my DC calculations and will only do the verging of the plans, which should be quite fast, on Saturday, after I've printed out the plans. The model, i'm done with three floors, but the internal walls aren't really there yet. But then again, that's not my priority right now, priority is to finish the top floor (many walls there) and the first floor so I get the complete set. Everything's removable so I can easily put in internal walls if I have spare material later on. Other than that, roof and landscaping shouldn't be much of a problem and can be done together with the columns.

What I'm more worried for though, is the DC plans. What I'll have to do will be:
- get a site plan
- change all names on the pledge of allegiance and title block
- do landscaping on plan (this is the real time waster)
- annotate EVERYTHING
- label everything with names and FFL, PL
Actually yeah that's about it but the landscaping is gonna take some time, figuring out where each tree goes and stuff. Thank god we don't have to include drainage at this point, but of I have the time I'll do it as well. I'm more worried about the laying out of the boards, cos it seems really strange to import so many texts and drawings into autocad. And photoshopping it out seems vaguely strange too because it'll be so difficult to update later on. But one week should be definitely enough to crank that out if mornings are crammed with it. That way, evening's can be reserved for Compasso or vice versa.

I'm in a super agent mode now, always on my feet and ready to go, even now my mind's telling me to stop wasting time and cut some boards or something, but if there's something I need to train myself to do, it'll be to practice good pacing and appreciate rest because it's an extremely important factor.

Two conversations that made my day sometime back:

M: Wow who knew I'd see you here! Getting an award right, cannot take it you too pretty today!
1: You also what wah today dress until so smart. You so handsome.

2: So if the guy act like that do you think he's interested?
M: -long explanation- yeahhh so I think he's pretty into you
2: Haish, you guys are so complicated.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Drizzle in the Light

About a fortnight ago I had a post loaded up in here, a draftswork that I fell asleep before completing. A fortnight ago, the draft had been happy, twisted up in the corners with a pretty bow tie. This post is not so happy.

In the draft, I talked about changes and how I've changed since the start of this year. That's fairly neutral so I suppose I'll rewrite that from memory. If anything, I grew stronger since the start of this year. Not just physically, but mentally as well. I was the boy who was clinging on so desperately to his past, comparing everything around him to what he had and never seeing anything much better. I was pathetically in love and forced out of love and full of pain and hatred. I was really selfish too. I can see that now, and I can see where I should've backed off and left that girl alone. I can see how suffocating it got to the point where she had no fight left in her when I left, she probably wanted me to leave by then too. And though the things I've been hearing about her haven't been all too pleasant, I'm at the point where I can sincerely tell her that I wish her all the best and that I hope she can stay true to herself, in the better terms of the word.

Speaking of her, there's been someone reading my blog recently and I can't quite put a finger on who, simply because only one person knows my URL and she's definitely too busy with her life to waste her time on her ex's blog. But if there's someone out there that I know, who's been reading these, please drop a note or something just so I know who you are or what you think.