Saturday 15 October 2016

Sunday Morning rain is pouring

No it isn't, but one can wish.

One might also wonder many other things. Like how to proceed in life. Or how to spill to one's parents that everything they've known the past two decades was a mask. Or why she would only ever return a call when she's drunk. Or how to plan a trip for nine. Or if she only talks to me out of sheer obligation. Or of why there was an overnight improvement in that arrogant colleague. Or if my animosity towards said colleague merely because she thinks the world revolves around her well put together life. Or whether telling me not to bother about her was an act of caring or trying to be kind. Or whether she's putting off seeing me on purpose because she think that best for the both of us. Or how I could never forgive myself for what I did and who I am for all my life. Or how much I hate the sound of whistling. Or how everything falls into place when we meet face to face.

I wonder a lot about that last one. How the insecurities and any other feelings seem to peel away and leave a sense of peace and a desire to smile. Less of an oh my god can't believe its you and more of a certainty everything led to this, it feels like time never lapsed, and I'm happy to see you now.

Just a number of things to wonder.

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