Monday 31 October 2016


Last night I broke down because a spade just couldn't be used as a rake day in and day out without losing its integrity.

Today I realise that just like the ability to reproduce doesn't make one a mom or dad, whilst anyone can proclaim themselves a man, it's the quality of the man that makes him true. While I am adjusting and pushing towards physical changes in my life, an easier life means nothing if I don't put just as much effort in making myself a better person. I want to be a man who is patient in testing situations, a man who cares about the needs of someone who can't give anything in return. I want to be a man who shamelessly owns up to my mistakes, a man who pays the extra compliment because a few words could make someone's day. I want to be a man who respects the understanding of others, and a man who will never be foreign to new situations. That is the person I am working towards in the end I am sure.

I suppose that is what drove my decision to bring my parents on holiday, the reason I want to apologise to her aunt for being in her house without her permission, and to ask for permission from her parents before taking her out. Because if I was my father, I would feel afraid to take the first step into a foreign land, and if I was her aunt, I would feel disrespected to find a stranger in my house, and if I was her parent, I would like to make sure that she's safe and taken care of.

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