Sunday 15 December 2013

10 Days to Christmas

Can't believe two years has passed since I went to watch a Christmas play at a church in my work attire because I had to rush to work after. Back then my heart was with one girl, and now it's just as at home with another.

7 things that I wish I could tell you:

1. I'm very proud of you. When I loom through your old photos and look at who you are now it's like you've grown so much as a person. You're growing from a girl to a lady and I thoroughly enjoy watching that and would love to see how you'd grow up to be. I show you off to my friends because I'm awed at what you do and who you've become and I wanna be there every step of the way.

2. Scold me more. When you scold me, it shows you're listening and have an opinion on what I had said. It's tons better than you being indifferent about the topic because let's face it, most of the time you have something to say. And it's also nice to have your attention on me for a while, just saying.

3. I really wish you'd be frank with me. About everything, really, how you are, how we are, how you feel. Because I can't help feeling that you're hiding some things because you feel that they're for my own good. But sometimes I also feel that you're hiding them because it's easier than to face the truth.

4. You look amazing in dresses. As much as black makes the cut, a dark blue one would suit you so much though. The navy will bring out the sophistication and intelligent feel that we're so familiar with when watching you present on your projects. But either way, when you wear a dress to school, I cannot help staring. I can't look away, sue me.

5. A dream of mine is to have you cook for me. I always enjoy people cooking for me, but coming from someone who can cook proper meals, especially you of all people, will be something else. I don't mean this to be offensive, but I've seen you washing a glass to get me water at a friend's house, and there was just some part of me that whimpered inside because you were really like a little wife and it was adorable. 

6. Falling asleep next to you was the best thing ever. The only thing I regret was not being able to stay up longer until you fell asleep, or being able to wake up earlier so I could be the one to wake you up in the morning. It was comfortable and I hope that wasn't the last time.

7. I don't quite like the idea of you going clubbing. Even if it's just to see them get drunk. I know my friend's there and he can take care of you all, but I'd rather be there to personally take you home and make sure you're alright. I'm not against you having fun but clubbing..people do things when they're high, and I don't want anything to happen to you.

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