Saturday 21 December 2013

4 Days to Christmas

I had a dream last night that was one of the most vivid dreams I've had in a while. Its a little late to jot it down now but I'll try to write what I can remember. I remember walking towards the market place or something with my mom, and behind some bushes under a block there were these two people. We walked through towards the them, and turns out it was well, her, with her mom and they were feeding some cats that were gathered around them. We talked for a bit.

Scene cut, and next thing I know, I was at a supermarket with her and her mom, and we were getting some vegetables and stuff for dinner. We wandered off and went to pick up some stuff, and walked over to meet her mom at the cashier to pay for the items. Her mom was ahead, and I was leaning against the metal railing, and she came closer and leaned in against me, and I breathed her in and somehow I could feel her smiling, and I smiled, and I realised that her mom was right there so I pushed her back a little. We headed back to her house a while, but I waited outside, and somehow or rather I hurt myself or got sick or something, and she told me to come inside, and I remember being secretly happy and all. I remember trying to take in as much of her house as I could, because I was afraid that this was gonna be the last time that I would be in her house, the place in which she grew up, the environment she eats, sleeps, works, and plays in. I remember watching her cook a meal, and resting my head on her shoulder, and we were close. Then my illness, whatever it was, got a little bit bad, so she made me go rest while my mom was on the way to pick me up. At this point, suddenly my cat ran in through the door, and lay down on the floor and started panting, because he was being chased by either a kitten or a hoard of cats outside.

Next thing I knew, I got a secret message on my phone telling me to report to duty. Somehow I knew to look under the bed, because there was a purple, single pilot plane right underneath. The cockpit opened from the top and I slid in, and in the initial moments right before take off, it was pretty dark because the plane was coating itself to prevent detection on enemy screens and I was a little scared that I wouldnt be able to see where I was flying, except for the tiny orange monitor that had little blurry maps on it. But soon after, it all cleared up and just before I took off, the interior of the cockpit almost became seamless with the exterior, as if there was no glass separating inside and outside. I got the hang of it soon enough and flew over mountains with castles on top as well as giant rivers connecting different mountains. I remember the exhilarating heart-drop as my plane dipped down the mountains and though I wasn't at all aware what the mission actually was, I know that at one point, I landed on a castle top, shot down some guards, and some soldiers ran up and I managed to run back to my plane and take off just in time.

Eventually I flew back (into?) her house and well, yeah. Can't really remember what happened that. Strange thing is that I've been busy convincing myself that she's long gone for the past four days now, didn't expect her to suddenly star in my dream last night.

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