Wednesday 27 November 2013


Person number 1. You're my good friend. And I know we've been close and we've kissed but I don't think I'll be able to see you as more than a friend. I sincerely hope that you're treating me as a rebound. In that case, I can turn you down without ruining our friendship and without hurting your feelings too much. The kisses was good, they were... Intimate. But as much as they say people get ten times more attached to people they've kissed, I hope you don't fall for me. God I was even considering friends with benefits or an open relationship there but there's a line called emotional attachment and I can already feel you crossing it. You get shy around me, you blush when I talk to you, you tell me you want to kiss me, I know. I just don't know if I should let you.

Person number 2. At first I was quite frustrated with how you suddenly pretended that we all didn't exist. But now this is a complete joke. You say you felt awkward with me because I've liked you before and you rejected me. You rubbing your leg all over mine under the sheets doesn't state awkward to me. Neither does lying face to face on the floor giggling about bullshit. Neither does sleeping with your hand around mine, just to state a few. Then you said you were pissed off at her because she's whiny. She's been that way the past year or so all along and all I see is the two of you linking arms and poking fun at each other. Now you say you feel disgusted at me for going on to like (a different) her after you said no to me. Well let me just say that she beat you to rejecting me half a year back and liking her is no surprise given what a great person she is. Shall I make you more revolted? Shall I say that maybe I liked her all along and you were just a cheap excuse? Shall I say that I only liked you for your breasts and legs? You say you didn't enjoy Italy because we just drank in the hotel rooms and left you to lie there by yourself. First of all, we offered you multiple times. Secondly, on half the occasion you were already away in someone else's hotel room or outside. Third, every time we ever tried to talk to you in the room, you only ever just stayed on your phone and barely responded anyway. Dude. You're becoming that same person that you claimed you hated but turns out that you liked him instead. Just go get together with him and walk around with your noses in the clouds of the high and mighty. Jeez.

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