Thursday 10 October 2013

Scales and Balance

In all honesty, I'm really confused right now. Muddled up in my head. Something drastic must have happened back then. Some big crash and a pounding concussion, drove me to become this way. I can't exactly place a finger on when or why, I suddenly became afraid to commit. Have I enjoyed my freedom that much? Or was it a breach of trust? Or do I have to see you (after so long) to be sure I wanna go through with this? Because I think you're a wonderful girl, and I understand that loving someone is when you're at your most vulnerable, so I really don't want to play you for granted; especially after Italy, I'd really have to earn back my own trust in order to let me give myself to someone else. You're a really incredible girl, and who knew this would happen? Take things one step at a time with me, maybe?

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