Wednesday 23 October 2013

A Little Fear

Had a bad day at the gym on Monday, it was pretty damn crowded so everyone was in a rush for the benches and racks, especially with Monday being the usual chest day. Tried unsuccessfully to do DB pressed with 25 kilos on each side, and my third and final try ended with losing control of my left hand dumbbell causing it to slam straight down. Thankfully my first reaction was to turn so it didn't slam right into my face, but instead it rammed down on my left cheekbone. Felt okay though so I went on as per normal, but today I've been having a persistent headache on the left side of my head and it hurts more when I look to my left, like there's some sort of minor swelling in my temple or something. I'm just hoping that it's due to tension or a bad pillow and not directly related to the blow to my cheek the other day, which would possibly mean this is some internal bleeding.

Now that I think about it, tension might be a likely cause too. Recently, this week especially, I've been having frequent chest pains again which now I think is related to tension or stress. And considering the piling workload and my stress over that girl, no surprise about the tension there. Just hope my body reconciles all it's problems soon..and that I won't end up unconscious on the floor of the bus anytime soon.

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