Friday 11 October 2013

Just Second Guessing

It's strange and funny how after over a year of knowing each other, you can be back to a foot in square one again. One foot in newborn moments, another miles ahead. Half your mind in dizzying nervousness, the other in comfortable bliss. Looking down this familiar face but in a new light, friendly grazes of the hand turn electric once more. 

You know those books we used to read as children where they talk about how it is important to never give up on something because good things come to people who are persistent? And how we all grew up way too fast and found out that we had all been too naive and that sometimes life just deals us a hard hand to play and it's our role as people to suck it up and deal with it. That's true in many ways. But I guess as we grow up, life grants us many new experiences, and these experiences might open our eyes to the possibilities and dimensions in this world. Sometimes, life deals us an aceless hand. Sometimes, persistence can actually pay off. And other times, the girl who rejected you almost a year ago might end up falling for you after all.

And now I'm smiling like an idiot wherever I'm going and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it.

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