Sunday 4 September 2016


My mind keeps straying to Saturday and the short time we spent together. In those hours we shared, it felt like all my emotions had somewhere to go, and it felt as natural as if we had seen each other every week. I told you, in those last moments, that I never needed you to belong to me, to be able to keep you safe and loved when times go rough are enough as it is. After all you belong only to yourself and I simply want to be by your side as you work towards fulfilling your potential. A guiding hand, perhaps, or just a hand to hold, never one to own. I told you that you were the most beautiful person I had ever been blessed to meet, and that still stands true right now. And I told you that I love you, in all the meaning that love can give. You cried a little, and you pulled me a little closer, hugged me a little tighter, and in that instant I wanted to believe you felt the same way. I will miss you, and I know you wouldn't want to admit that to yourself even if you did. Most of your deepest feelings never seem to escape from the depths of your chest.

Suddenly my excitement for Australia just seems to ebb away.

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