Wednesday 29 June 2016


Pleased to hear that her birthday present has shipped out, probably will receive it tomorrow or the following day. Hope she'll find good use of it and takes good care of it. It encapsulates what she's like as a person, i'd like to think. Don't really have the mood to write and my nose keeps bleeding so well oh well. Life has been fresh and good and I'm just hoping my appetite will return soon.

I've never quite grasped the feeling. It's like cycling uphill and you can feel you legs giving in, your calves sore and burning. But you pedal harder, you break a sweat and you force yourself to think about the cloud formations above, taste the wind grazing your skin. And after a while, that's all you begin to feel, the uphill climb begins to feel sweet and rewarding and you feel like you've conquered it all.

My sentiments every day, exactly. I make it my goal to conquer each day with tenacity and vigor.

But the pain hasn't really gone has it? Feeding off the sweetness doesn't make the poison go away. But this isn't poison, it is love, and heaven knows if there should be a cure for love at all. Because at the end of the uphill climb, at the overlooking perch over the city, I could smile down for all I want but I know deep inside me I'd rather be chasing her happiness instead. I'm happy, I'm at peace, but for all I'm worth I know where my words run to when I'm lonely, I know where my arms reach towards when I'm not, and I know very well that all that's left is an outline of where love used to lay.

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