Monday 30 November 2015

Thirty Eleven

One day I will be the guy that a girl could bring home to her parents
One day I will be the guy who can express how much he loves the beach
One day I will be the guy who finally isn't shortchanged in results in comparison to effort
One day I will be the guy who isn't too afraid to fit in
One day I will be the guy who doesn't laugh at his own thoughts of getting married
One day I will be the guy who isn't too guilty to ask someone to stay
One day I will be the guy who is worth the struggle
One day I will be the guy who can see himself grow old
One day I will be the guy who's glad that he made it past crying every night
One day I will be the guy who's finally able to explore his ambitions beyond fixing himself
One day I will be the guy who's parents can finally be proud of him
One day I will be the guy who is a long term option, loveable, marryable
One day I will be the guy who is happy to learn to use a razor
One day I will be the guy doesnt need to prove himself anymore
One day I will be the guy who's glad he chose to fight

Today might not be that day, but one day it might.

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