Sunday 23 March 2014


When tasked with the simple objective of illustrating what time means to us, how many amongst us will draw the face of a clock? It's funny, how what we so rightfully depict as time, is the very same concept that destroys the notion of time itself. Time is more than needle hands synchronically travelling the same laps in a monotonous, analog movement. In fact, I could stretch the argument and say that the repeated movement of the clock in itself can be challenged by an alternative school of thought. After all, time is but a unit of measure to fill in the unknown void that is our lifetime. Hence, what one day means to a 3 day old infant, and what it means to a forty year old meant, varies greatly in scale and proportion. To the man, one day is a small fraction of his 14600 day life, in comparison to a third of the infant's entire life (this is also why time seems to speed up more as you get older).Hence in the argument, the concept of 'time' varies greatly from person to person, and the written form of such would be represented by an exponential graph instead of a linear one. However, with such a dynamic unit of measurement, it would be immensely difficult, if not impossible, to reach a uniform consensus when it comes to completing time sensitive tasks. Therefore as a whole, humanity must have created the clock as mainly a framework that we all try to fit ourselves into much like an adult and a baby both trying to fit into a single sized shirt, literally really, with the adult having to squeeze into it while the child has plenty of excess space around him. To put it into context, the clock, instead of a standard unit of measurement, is really more of a bar against which we compare our personal exponential time graphs to, with the result being the difference between the control (the clock) and the variable (each one's individual time). 

Think about it, without the certainty granted to us by the equal hours on the clock, how much differently would we be living our lives?

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