Wednesday 18 September 2013

Ready To Go

Over a term's worth of hard work and The Hooker is finally printed and ready to go! I would say that this is definitely one of my most satisfying groupworks yet which produced a result that I could definitely say I'm proud of. A lot of it lies in the team, I believe. I may have mentioned this in an earlier post but I will say it again:

There's Bryan, the meticulous perfectionist, always making sure that the lines are all straight, fonts all standardised, checking all the contrast and saturation of our images. Basically he keeps our boards in tiptop shape and is generally in charge of the board layouts. He's always on the lookout for better alternatives in terms of board aesthetics, and this keeps us progressing from time to time.

There's Wessie, our Revit Master and production manager. All you've got to do is hand her plans and she'll get the model out for you the next day, ready to use. Any changes to the form? No worries, she won't complain and she'll work on it right away. She produces all the renders we request for taken from different angles and settings, be it in sketchup or revit and is happy to make changes to the models every time and again.

Then there's me, overall supervisor and editor. I set the pace of the group and set objectives for us to complete every week to ensure we are ahead of time. I break down critiques into action plans for the team and basically balance out Bryan's perfectionist to my timekeeping. I'm in charge of all sustainability issues within our building and produce all diagrams and logos used in the boards. Lastly, I edit and check renders and images to be used so as to ensure a minimum benchmark quality is achieved.

As a group, we complement each other wonderfully and fill up for each others' flaws and weaknesses. Apart from one tremor within the group after our only scolding from Alan, the rest of the work was exceptionally fast paced and smooth sailing. I could almost say it was addictive, leaving home at 8am to meet at SMU or the airport or studio all the way until 11.30pm to do solid work to complete the boards. In all honestly, I cannot be happier with my group and I'm so proud of how far we've come in this project, each of us growing in our own way. I'm proud of us, I'm proud of the turnout, and I have to say, every step of the way has been worthwhile and blissful with this team. PATTATA!

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