Thursday 19 September 2013


Up till now, I had no idea pineapple shaped ukuleles were REALLY called Pineapple.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Ready To Go

Over a term's worth of hard work and The Hooker is finally printed and ready to go! I would say that this is definitely one of my most satisfying groupworks yet which produced a result that I could definitely say I'm proud of. A lot of it lies in the team, I believe. I may have mentioned this in an earlier post but I will say it again:

There's Bryan, the meticulous perfectionist, always making sure that the lines are all straight, fonts all standardised, checking all the contrast and saturation of our images. Basically he keeps our boards in tiptop shape and is generally in charge of the board layouts. He's always on the lookout for better alternatives in terms of board aesthetics, and this keeps us progressing from time to time.

There's Wessie, our Revit Master and production manager. All you've got to do is hand her plans and she'll get the model out for you the next day, ready to use. Any changes to the form? No worries, she won't complain and she'll work on it right away. She produces all the renders we request for taken from different angles and settings, be it in sketchup or revit and is happy to make changes to the models every time and again.

Then there's me, overall supervisor and editor. I set the pace of the group and set objectives for us to complete every week to ensure we are ahead of time. I break down critiques into action plans for the team and basically balance out Bryan's perfectionist to my timekeeping. I'm in charge of all sustainability issues within our building and produce all diagrams and logos used in the boards. Lastly, I edit and check renders and images to be used so as to ensure a minimum benchmark quality is achieved.

As a group, we complement each other wonderfully and fill up for each others' flaws and weaknesses. Apart from one tremor within the group after our only scolding from Alan, the rest of the work was exceptionally fast paced and smooth sailing. I could almost say it was addictive, leaving home at 8am to meet at SMU or the airport or studio all the way until 11.30pm to do solid work to complete the boards. In all honestly, I cannot be happier with my group and I'm so proud of how far we've come in this project, each of us growing in our own way. I'm proud of us, I'm proud of the turnout, and I have to say, every step of the way has been worthwhile and blissful with this team. PATTATA!

Saturday 14 September 2013


Lace your shoes up boy, and pull up your tie
The incandescent lights are on fire
The reek of alcohol hung low that night
Grinding souls hum deep with desire

Here's a story of a boy who couldn't settle for less
Black shirt buttoned up with a pretty white lie
He drank himself sober, lust fueled his veins
A starvation that could make a wolf cry

Here's a girl who settles for more is less
Innocence tattooed but eyes don't deceive
With a knife he carved into his left side chest
Took his heart out and wore on his sleeve

-Lights flash yellow-
Electric grazes
Stillshots of all the other people hazes
Everything he lays his eyes on, his mind erases

-Lights flash amber-
Tips a drink to her lips
Traces down her spine with finger tips
She shivers
White hot thirst pumping every sensation

-Lights flash red-
Whispers hushed in the walls of her ear
Teeth clenched to her nape of her neck,
He aggressively pressed himself near
Hot breaths as she felt him get...

-Lights turn off-

Tomorrow they sit on opposite ends of the room
Listening attentive as the teacher paces the floor
Heads on the desk, exchange of glances, they turn coyly away
After all, what are friends for?

Friday 13 September 2013

Almost A Week

These few days have been pretty rough, dysphoria keeps hitting home and there's not as much Compasso to indulge myself in anymore. Workwise, we're only left with photoshopping the programmes into the renders to make them seem more active and lively, as well as some prep for the DARCH exhibition back in our studios next thurs.

Dysphoria wise though, I'm not sure if it's trauma, but I do feel inadequate at this point. I just feel like people accept me as a man enough to carry it through normal conversations and friendships, but I'm not enough to be considered worthy of a relationship, even the possibility of it. Half of me doesn't blame them, because who would want to willingly throw themselves into this hellhole with me? But the other half of me is so angry that nothing I do is ever enough to push me through onto that level.

Monday 2 September 2013


I'm so horny right now. There's just this deep deep urge to thrust hard into something, someone and prod deeper and deeper until I explode.

3 Days/Weeks To Go

Work has been extremely taxing these few weeks, more so for Compasso than for my individual work. Let me correct that, my individual work is nothing compared to Compasso. Maybe it's the stress caused from knowing its a competition, or maybe it's the depth of the scope we have to consider, but whatever it is, it's definitely a challenge and it's taking it's toll on all of us. Because I haven't really talked about it, I shall do so now, though it's a bit late and we're about to ship it out anytime now.

My group consists of myself, another guy and a girl. Because our initials are M, B and W, this makes us Team BMW. Meanwhile, our project is entitled The Hooker (courtesy of me) and focuses on how the vernacular of Macau can be extracted and portrayed in this development. Details are as follows:

Along the stretch of road leading to our site, we found multiple landmarks that are often visited by tourists as historical sites. There is De Marques Square, St Francis Xavier's Chapel, Ponte Cais De Coloane (Pier), and our site, the abandoned shipyards. Interestingly enough, each of these places are marked by a monument at the front, which we initially thought represented historical events that happened in the place itself. Upon further studies of the monuments however, we realised that these monuments are not site specific but rather capture historical landmarks in Coloane that happen to be exemplified in these places.

The square was built to commemorate a Portuguese general who fought for the freedom of Macau at the UN. The monument at the square bore a Cherub, a symbol of the omnipresence of God, hence representing the religion which was left behind by the Portuguese in Coloane.
The site in front of St Francis Church bore witness to the overthrowing of the rule of pirates in 1910. The monument bore a laurel wreath at the top, which is a universal sign of victory, assumingly over the pirates.
The pier was once used as a means to ferry people in from mainland Macau. However, it's monument, a giant anchor, held greater significance to Coloane's entire maritime history as fishermen and ship builders.

Hence, the monument we will erect in front of our site will bear both signs of the shipyards as well as a link to a present phenomenon. The phenomenon we chose to focus on will be the simultaneous progress and decline of Coloane, seen by the progress of its people which greatly overshadows the progress of the island. This leads to idea of Coloane rooting its people back while they progress further away. Hence, our monument resembles a fountain with a half sunken ship (Coloane) hooked onto a pulley (can be seen in the shipyards) balanced on the other side by a pulling man.

Pardon if this post is boring but I'm about to drop to sleep anytime now and I have an early day tomorrow at the gym and SMU to continue work. Deadlines are fast catching up on our tails and the pace can't go quick enough. Now if only this sickening pain in my chest would stop, I'd be really grateful.