Sunday 11 December 2016


some days it gets too much. It overwhelms you like some kind of psychological waterboarding experiment.  i feel like a wall of sanity crumbles whenever this happens; it's like some creature inside had been awoken, it's full of rage and  is clawing tooth and nail to unleash it's wrath, to hurt, to kill. Feels like every single seam is bursting.

I feel like I'm drowning in fire, like there's an inferno twisting in my throat that I just can't swallow down. Makes me want to break things, makes me want to hurt. Feels like the only way to quell the thirst is by exertion. When I'm tired, the demons go numb, like they've been paralyzed. It makes me feel weak, to be affected by this. I hope breaking point is further away down the road.

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