Sunday 18 May 2014

The Girl Who Cried Moon

This is the story of the girl who cried moon. This is no documentary of the broken soul nor is it a paragraph off of a romance novel. This is in no way complete nor is it intended to be. This is from a single perspective and is the only truth that needs to be told.

This is the story of the girl who cried moon and the boy who cried wolf. They sat together by the river's edge and spoke of inner demons and unfortunate mishaps. A single teardrop of light spilled from the creases in between blankets of stars and rested gently upon the water's surface. It broke apart into stardust, and ripples carried each fleck of light to the water's edge where the moon and the wolf were resting.

All the moon never knew was to fall in love. All she knew was to love, and love unconditionally all creatures  of the same blood. She was radiant as she was beautiful, and she gave salvation to many a traveler lost out at sea, many flights of geese lost in migration. She did not direct her light in any direction, nor could she direct her love to cradle the one lonely boy trying to find her light.

All the wolf knew was to fall in love, and fall in love he did. If raspy claws could scratch on tightened strings, and if a feeble croak from tired lungs would suffice, he'd paint songs upon songs into the night's canvas just to encompass her in the masterpiece orchestrating itself all around her. But he was a meer wolf, and the nightingale's call was haunting, and the moon was beautiful, and he wished he were a nightingale so he could perch upon the edge of the canyon and weave melodies into her moonlight.

The girl who cried moon and the boy who cried wolf stood together by the river's edge, watching the waves soak up the the last glowing specks off the edge of the watery abyss. Their demons were spilled on the brick floor between them, and both moon and wolf finally looked up for the first time. Here was a girl in a robe seamed in light, and here was a boy in a heavy hood of fur. She was kind as she was beautiful and fall in love he did, as he made quiet promises locked in an oath as she placed chaste lips upon his scarred cheek.
He could've howled.

This is written by the boy who cried wolf, and this is the only truth he knows. This is in no way complete for its only the beginning of everything he hopes for, and his broken soul all and more is all he will give to write this romance. This is the story of the girl who cried moon, and the boy who fell in love with her for it.

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