Saturday 27 July 2013

Deja Vu

I won't call it déjà Vu but this sort of feeling on emerges once in a long time. Right now I'm feeling so damn proud and happy over her canoe race. So she took part in 3 races in today's National Women's Canoeing Championship, and when she sent me the photo of the gold medal I already just flipped and hecked about the other two races in my head is just WOAH THIS IS MY CHAMPION! Not to mention she hasn't exactly been training up this past week because of the workload. She said she's not as happy cos this isn't a polite race but really heck it man, I'm already so happy and proud of her. The only other time I've felt so proud of someone was two Decembers ago when Sabrina and I were both struggling with lousy wifi across continents, her in Vienna and me in my bedroom sneaking a use of my laptop at 5am to receive the news of them clinching grand champion choir, I AM THAT PROUD. And I'm really glad she got to meet her sec school friends today, they seem to make her so happy. I'm so glad you're happy.

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