Friday 5 April 2013

Mother Of Ginseng

Good news for today, is that I finally finished the bottle of ginseng that I bought at least four days back. Was hell to drink honestly, I diluted it with so much water which was why it took ages to finish. Asshole of a friend who had a gym date with me today slept through it, even when I called her house she refused to wake up, seriously man, I'm so done with people and their so-called plans. I mean, if you're only half-hearted about it or you know this will happen, why set it up in the first place? I could have gone way earlier and beat the crowd had I not be waiting for you. And ladies and gentlemen, this is why I hardly have any plans the entire holidays, because people are too busy being lazy enough to not get out of their house. 

Almost threw up at the gym today, for god knows what reason, but I swallowed it back down, woohoo superpowers! I don't know, my stomach's been feeling fuzzy the whole day, not enough to make me carry a plastic bag everywhere I go, but not peaceful enough for me to be completely comfortable. I wore my makeshift binder to the gym today too. I'm really quite pleased with it to be honest, though I do have the bad habit of touching my chest over my shirt whenever I wear it, because it feels really good and smooth. I almost feel like a dolphin. And shirts tend to fall over it nicely as well, so I'm really pleased with how it works, now if I could only glue it on to my skin so it'd be permanently that way, that'd be awesome. At first I thought that I might have trouble breathing with it if I wore it to the gym, but turns out its pretty comfortable and causes no problems or pressure at all, it really feels like its not even there. Best part is that it makes me feel really safe and secure because I no longer have that constant worry with the things I do, which may emphasize or anything, so it makes me feel free to do anything. Except wear tank tops with it. But I generally have no problems with tanks in the first place so its fine. I do feel like I never wanna take it off though, it makes me feel finally pretty confident with my body, which I don't really get most of the time, and taking it off is just like some kind of sick sick reminder of the body beneath. I really don't wanna take it off.

And...I really needa be bulking up a hell more.

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